
ERDEM won the BFC/Vogue Fashion Fund,yayy:)

"I CANNOT believe it's happened, it's wild, really incredible. I'm totally shocked," Erdem Moralioglu  ( half British, half Turkish designer ) told us this morning as news broke of his BFC/Vogue Fashion Fund win.
"When I was told I immediately called a meeting with the team. When they came in I didn't say anything - I just pulled out a bottle of Champagne and said: 'We won'. I've had that bottle in the studio for about two years but never had an event to open it for. When you win the Vogue fund, you open that bottle!"
Nominated for the inaugural Fashion Fund award alongside fellow British hopefuls Clements RibeiroRichard Nicoll, Patrick Grant of E Tautz, Nicholas Kirkwood, Angel Jackson, Christopher Kane and Marios Schwab, Erdem is genuinely surprised to have won it. "It was amazing just to be nominated alongside such great designers as Chris, Richard and Nicholas - who are also my friends. It really could have been any of us and I am honestly thrilled and honoured that it was me." says Erdem to Dolly Jones ,Vogue journalist.
As you remember at Vogue Turkiye Launch, Jessica Stam was wearing one of Erdem's too.I should have say  it was so obvious that he builded up his unique print style  long time ago.To be honest i did not suprise at all,'cos he certainly deserved it and get the huge chance to take himself for the next level.totally love his prints and dresses.what can i say?
Congratulations!! :)

Mert Alas-Marcus Piggott 2008 Istanbul

styled by Alex White

Moschino and Dita design for AIDS

Dita Von Teese has teamed with Moschino to design this limited edition eye mask.The limited edition eye mask stays true to Dita's vintage pinup style  "Dita for Moschino" with profits going tp amFAR.



As you may know she is the fashion director of vogue japan so YES she is a Voguer and YES she has a seperate house for her clothes and YES she has thousand pairs of shoes!!YES she makes us feel jealous!!Looks stunning and colourful most of the time.Love her 'don t try to match and mix pieces'style!she loves the put the dresses on from runaway shows,no changes and the result is just amazing!!

Hepiniz bildigi gibi kendileri Japon Vogue'un kralicesi, kiyafetleri icin ayri bir evin  ve de binlerce ayakkabinin sahibesi.Evet bizi cook kiskandiriyor !!Gercekten saygi duyuyorum cunku onun kadar runaway'lerden cikan o hayalgucu sinirlarini zorlayan abartili kiyafetleri baska biri daha bu kadar iyi tasiyamiyor.Sonuc ise harika!!


Giovanna Battaglia is a fashion editor for Vogue L'uomo .She is my favourite,love her colour range,all cool& elegant look.In any fashion week she is the only one i try to search for.She is fearless to use any colour,mixes and matches the pieces perfectly and admire her sense of chic.well done:)

Vogue L'uomo editoru olan Gioavanna Battaglia , renk kullanimi,butun o cool ve elegan gorunumuyle favorim.Herhangi bir moda haftasinda ilk resimlerine ulasmaya calistgim kisi.Herhangi bir rengi kullanmakta korkusuz,parcalari secip birlestirmesi mukemmel,sik tarzina hayraanimmm:)


YES,another Voguer!Viviana is the assistant fashion editor of Vogue Nippon.We all very used to see her beside A.D.R and yes she loves to use bright colours as Anna but in a simple way.I guess she is the one who brightens up the all fashion shows more than anyone.Just simple combinations with elegant taste.I just really wanna see her one day with another hair style.Pony-tail might suit her,what do you reckon?

Evet baska bir Voguecu!!Viviana Japon Vogue da asistan moda editoru.Hepimiz kendisini Anna D.R un yaninda gormeye cok alisigiz.Anna gibi parlayan renkleri kullanmayi cok seviyor ama cok daha basit bir sekilde.Sanirim Viviana kadar moda haftalarini aydinlatan baska bir isim daha yok.Gercekten bir gun baska bir sac stili ile kendisini gormeyi cok arzu ediyorum,cunku cok skici duruyor.At kuyrugu belki,ne dersiniz?

Most of the photos from The Sartorialist and Tommy Ton

Modern Lovers

'They live by night, a wisp of fabric, a shapely shadow. These bandits have come for your hearts. Modern Lovers Unite! Midnight they strike, chased by a glowing moon and echoing peals of laughter. Eyes ablaze in a wooded wake. '

love modern lovers!!a friend of mine has one of their tees and they are just fabulous!!so searched for you and found their website with lots of cute stuff!!so don't wait,go for it!!

love the t-shirt 'all men boys..typical boys'

Unfortunately these guys have only one store in Europe which is in Spain.But in this tiny world everything is possible!it is just one click away:)check out the website..

Nothing is Original

    adore him!!

ruyalarima giren ayakkabilar!!

Burbery Prorsum deri 140mm/5.5 inches

Fendi blush suede Tulle  160 mm/6.5 inches

           Proenza Schouler 

Christian Louboutin ve saheserleri

Kahverengi Pedro Garcia ve siyah Lanvin'ler 'tatli  old-school  bagciklilar' gunluk giyim icin birebir

sari-siyah hala vazgecilmezim,nasil olmasin su McQueen lere bakin bir hele..

 McQueen  McQueen McQueen :) 3 kere, cok yasa cok yasa cok yasa:)
bu kurukafa detay zip sahane;)

Charlotte Olympia!!tabandaki orumcek agi ve topuklardaki asillik 10 puani almakla birlikte yildizli pekiyiyi haketti!!

Brian Atwood-Miri Leather Ankle Boots/ankle boot'lari omrum boyunca giymekten hiccc bikmicammmm:)


Beige cupcake skirt+baby blue jean shirt+dark brown socks+Givenchy wrapped jersey ankle boots+a clutch
What else you need?

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